・ハA New Name. Due to a dispute over the use of the name Letter Land, the game's name has been changed to Letter World.
・ハThere is now a Languages menu, so the game may be played in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian or Danish.
・ The Use MacinTalk option will allow any mac with text-to-speech capability speak the answer to the question. (Only available in English, currently)
・ハAn Emphasize Counting option has been added to help the little ones learn to count.
・ハA Questions Only option has been added to skip the icon game and just ask questions.
・ A preferences file is now saved to keep your current settings active the next time the game is played.
・ハMore words, sounds, pictures and patterns.
To Do and Known Bugs:
・ハI would like to add some sort of score keeping for the game. If you have any suggestions as to how score should be kept, please let me know.
・ Add support for digraphs in questions
・ハChange menus based on current language
・ハAdd even more words, sounds and pictures.
・ハThere are currently no known bugs.
How to Make a Suggestion or Report a Bug:
If you have access to the World Wide Web, then simply go to the Keith Productions web site at: http://www.keithcom.com/keithprod On the main page is a link for Comments and Suggestions. Click on that and fill out the form. You will also be able to read any comments or suggestions that other people have made.
If you don't have access to the web or prefer e-mail, then you can reach me at: keith@keithcom.com
Letter World is a children's game designed to help them learn associations of letters and words (as well as keep them entertained for awhile). Letter World is a Shareware program- So you are free to try out the program and to give it to whom ever you please as long as the game is unaltered this documentation is kept with the program. If you decide to keep this program on your computer, you should send $8 to the address below. Site licenses are also available for Letter World. Please send $50 to register 1 to 15 computers on a single network or $65 for more than15 computers to the address at the end of this document.
System Requirements:
In a word . . . Memory. Due to the large number of sounds, pictures, and icons used in the game, it requires a lot of memory. At least 1.5 Meg of ram should be used to run the game, but 2.5 Meg is best. Other than that, it should work with most macintosh systems. The game will work in black and white, but color is a lot snappier (i.e. big nifty factor for the kids).
Playing the game:
To start a game, simply start the program and select New Game from the file menu.
The Languages menu:
・ Select Danish to play the game in Danish.
・ Select English to play the game in English.
・ Select French to play the game in French.
・ Select German to play the game in German.
・ Select Italian to play the game in Italian.
・ Select Spanish to play the game in Spanish.
The Options menu:
・ The Advanced Level has some more difficult words, and the icons act differently in the second stage of the game. Also, when playing with the Reverse Question option on, the letter of the answer is not said.
・ The Use MacinTalk will make the computer speak the answer of the question. (Note: this option is only available on a computer that supports text-to-speech and the game is being played in English.)
・ The Play Sounds option toggles the sound on and off.
・ Use Lower Case can be used to change the case of the question and answer words.
・ The Emphasize Counting option counts all of the icons that were caught.
・ Reverse Question will change the type of question asked. If this option is checked, a picture will be shown, and the correct word must be chosen.
・ If Questions Only is selected, only questions are asked and the second stage of the game is not played.
Shareware Info:
Letter World is released as Shareware. Therefore, it may be distributed freely as long as unmodified versions of the game and this file are distributed together. You may try the game out free of charge, but if you decide that you should keep the game, please register your copy by sending $8 for a personal license, $50 (for a 1-15 computer site license) or $65 (for >15 computers) to the address below.
Comments, Suggestions, Bug Reports, etc.:
Please report any bugs which you find to the e-mail address below. Include which version of Letter Land you are playing, which version of system software you are running, what model of macintosh you have (ex. Power Macintosh 8600/250), and, if possible, what combination of actions caused the error. Also, please e-mail any suggestions, complaints, ideas for additions, or ideas for future games to the address below. Your input is very welcomed and necessary for me to continue creating shareware.
Info for Programmers:
This program was written using animation libraries from Ingemar Ragnemalm's Sprite Animation Toolkit. If you are thinking about writing a macintosh game, I strongly suggest that you start there. It is available on most large macintosh archive mirrors.